Summit 2021

The Summit 2021 AgendaOpening Statements By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna […]

Public Policy and Advocacy

The focus of this workgroup is to advocate for palliative care with policy makers for Floridians living with serious, chronic or advanced illness.

Professional Education and Practice

The focus of this workgroup is to help foster curriculum development and learning opportunities for palliative care professionals that promote better quality of life for Floridians living with serious, chronic or advanced illness

Community Outreach and Partnerships

The focus of this workgroup is to engage the community and develop partnerships that support and inspire the acceleration of solutions that promote better quality of life for Floridians living with serious, chronic or advanced illness.

Community Education

The focus of this workgroup is to help the community understand what palliative care is and promote better quality of life for Floridians living with serious, chronic or advanced illness.