About 89% of people in the United States have inadequate knowledge of palliative care. One key determinant was health care utilization. The more regular health care services a patient receives, the more likely they are to have some understanding of palliative care, according to a study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
**The first thing that needs to “changed” is the word Hospice being connected to the word Palliative.
Until that happens, Physicians and the general population will continue to think that palliative care is for hospice patients and means dying soon, which is absolutely wrong and has nothing to do with the definition which means to palliate, which means relieve symptoms. **Also, another that needs to be change is “connecting” a specific disease to palliative, example; cancer. That is misleading and harming others who are in need and who have other life limiting diseases or conditions. That is a big misconception that should be corrected along with hospice unless of course those are only diseases they want people to think is deserving or who requires palliative care sspecialists. Though palliative isnt for everyone with a disease because there are many but it should remain only obtainable by referral only. The majority of the United States, especially physicians are clueless on who or what is palliative care for. I will be following your website to help with advocacy especially on doctors.